Shinjuku, Tokyo Japan


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Wow! Sometimes it's hard to believe that I,Hillary Andrews, am a mom,a mother of three to be exact. I'm, like, only a few years older than these guys and yet I am the all authoritative,all knowing, wise mother...or so people think. Truth is, I feel like a kid myself most of the time, insecurities and all. I keep waiting for everyone to find this out but so far I have them all fooled. Today for instance, I picked Faith up from school two hours early, mostly because I wanted to but also so we could get her glasses fixed. It feels surreal to hold the power to excuse someone from an institution such as elementary school.I kept waiting on the Principal to block our exit as we were walking out the door.The amazing thing is no one questioned me or gave me a second thought. They did not see through me! Don't get me wrong, there are times when I actually think I've got all this parenting stuff down, and I deserve the title of "Mom." I am quickly brought back down to earth when Emma has a complete and total meltown in the middle of the cereal isle while Jack is dumping the contents of my purse onto the floor and I want to cry for my mommy! Someday I hope I will arrive at this place in motherhood when I can own the "mom" title and not feel like a poser everytime I attend a parent/teacher conference or a PTA meeting...someday.


  1. Hey Hillary! So great to see you all. I so relate to this entry....I felt like I was reading my own thoughts. Look forward to keeping up with you guys and your adventures in Japan.

    Denny Buttrey

  2. Eeuuh, I hope my computer doesn't crash again...Loved the site, love checking up on you guys. You look beautiful as always! Don't worry, I am not even a mom and my nephew created a huge vomit spew all over pretty much everything. "Time and chance happen to us all..."
